HTML sitemap for products
- SIMS, Mamie Hunt "Negro Mystic Lore" [To-Morrow Press, 1907] 1st Edition
- DUMAS, Alexandre "The Three Musketeers" [John C. Winston, 1931] Color Illustrations
- LONDON, Jack "The Call of the Wild" [Grosset & Dunlap, 1912]
- ALIGHIERI, Dante "The Vison: or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise" [D. Appleton, 1865]
- AN AMERICAN "Ice Cream and Cakes" [Charles Scribners, 1903]
- LONDON, Jack "The Scarlet Plague" [Macmillan, 1915] 1st Edition/1st Printing
- TZU, Sun "The Art of War & Other Classics of Eastern Philosophy" [Canterbury Classics, 2016]
- BRONTE, Charlotte/Emily "Jane Eyre"/"Wuthering Heights" [Random House, 1943]
- WHITE, Mrs. E.G. "The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan" [Review & Herald, 1907]
- AUSTEN, Jane "Pride and Prejudice" [Macrae Smith, c1925]
- HUXLEY, Aldous "Brave New World" [Modern Library, 1946]
- SALINGER, J.D. "The Catcher in the Rye" [Little, Brown & Co, 1951]
- MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo "The Prince" [Folio Society, 1970] Fine Binding
- STEVENSON, Robert Louis "Treasure Island" [Books Inc, c1940]
- KAFKA, Franz "The Trial" [Alfred A. Knopf, 1955] 1st Edition/11th Printing
- FROST, Robert "A Witness Tree" [Henry Holt, 1942] 1st Edition/1st Printing
- ADAMS, Douglas "So Long & Thanks For All The Fish" [Harmony, 1985] 1st Edition
- HOPKINS, Albert A. "Magic: Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions" [Munn & Co, 1897]
- HOFFMAN, Professor "Modern Magic" [David McKay, c1880]
- HOUDIN, Robert "The Secrets of Conjuring & Magic" [George Routledge, 1878]
- HILLIAR, William J. "Modern Magicians Hand Book" [Frederick J. Drake, 1902]
- "Library of Mesmerism and Psychology" [Fowler & Wells, 1880]
- DELAURENCE, L.W. "Practical Lessons in Hypnotism & Magnetism" [DeLaurence, 1937]
- SHAKESPEARE, William "The Plays of William Shakespeare" [Longman & Co, 1837]
- ROCCO, Sha "The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship" [1889]
- TRAVERS, P.L. "Mary Poppins in the Park" [Harcourt, Brace & Co, 1952] (Signed)
- BUDGE, E.A. Wallis "The Book of the Dead" [Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1901]
- SARTRE, Jean-Paul "The Reprieve" [Alfred A. Knopf, 1947] 1st Edition
- BARRIE, J.M. "Peter Pan and Wendy" [Charles Scribner's Sons, 1928]
- CARROLL, Lewis "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" [Henry Altemus, c1902]
- CARROLL, Lewis "The Hunting of the Snark" [Macmillan, 1876]
- SARTRE, Jean-Paul "No Exit and The Flies" [Alfred A. Knopf, 1949] 1st Edition/5th Print
- SARTE, Jean-Paul "Troubled Sleep" [Alfred A. Knopf, 1951] 1st Edition
- STEINBECK, John "Of Mice and Men" [Triangle Books, 1938]
- AUSTEN, Jane "Pride & Prejudice" [Walter Black, c1940]
- WHELEN, Mignonette Violett "Romances of Fanland" [Griffith & Rowland, 1906]
- GARCIA MARQUEZ, Gabriel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" [Harper & Row, 1970] 1st Edition
- HAMMETT, Dashiell "The Maltese Falcon" [Franklin Library, 1987]
- LEWIS, H. Spencer "The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid" [AMORC, 1939]
- HEMINGWAY, Ernest "A Farewell to Arms" [Scribners, 1929] 1st Edition/5th Printing
- MILNE, A.A. "Birthday Party" [E.P. Dutton & Co, 1948] 1st Edition
- DARWIN, Charles "The Origin of Species" [Hurst & Co, c1890]
- CODY, Buffalo Bill "Story of the Wild West and Campfire Chats" [Stanton & Van Vliet, 1919]
- NIN, Anais "The Diary of Anais Nin" 3 Volumes [Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966-69]
- KESEY, Ken "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" [Viking, 1976]
- CLARKE, Arthur C. "2001 A Space Odyssey" [New American Library, 1968] 1st/1st
- BRADBURY, Ray "The Martian Chronicles" [Doubleday, 1952]
- HERBERT, Frank "Dune" [Chilton, 1981] BCE W32
- BRADBURY, Ray "Fahrenheit 451" [Simon and Schuster, 1967]
- "The Mystery Chef's Own Cook Book" [Garden City Publishing, 1945]
- BULEY, E.C. "Australian Life in Town & Country" [G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905]
- "An Outline of Abnormal Psychology" [Modern Library, 1954]
- VON GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang "Faust, A Tragedy" [Modern Library, 1950]
- JOYCE, James "Dubliners" [Modern Library, 1954] Red
- BRONTE, Emily "Wuthering Heights" [Modern Library, c1950]
- NOSTRADAMUS "Oracles of Nostradamus" [Modern Library, 1940]
- THOREAU, Henry David "Walden and Other Writings" [Modern Library, 1965]
- JOYCE, James "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" [Modern Library, 1944]
- WHITMAN, Walt "Leaves of Grass and Selected Prose" [Modern Library, 1950]
- "A Manual for Courts-Martial, US Army 1928" [US Government Printing Office, 1936]
- KIPLING, Rudyard "Just So Stories" [Garden City Publishing, c1930]
- FAULKNER, William "The Reivers" [Franklin Library, 1983]
- VERNE, Jules "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" [Barnes & Noble, 2012]
- LISTER, Joseph "The Third Huxley Lecture" [Harrison & Sons, 1907] (Inscribed)
- LEAR, Edward "Nonsense Books" [Little, Brown & Co, 1906]
- KEIL, George "New Fairy Stories For My Grandchildren" [D. Appleton & Co, 1869]
- KELLER, Helen "Optimism" [Thomas Y. Crowell, 1903] 14th Thousand
- CARROLL, Lewis "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" [Illustrated Editions Co, c1930s]
- HEMINGWAY, Ernest "The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway" [Scribner's, 1953]
- POPE, Alexander "The Poetical Works" [The American News Company, c1880s]
- DUMAS, Alexandre "Works of Alexandre Dumas" [Peter Fenelon Collier, 1893]
- EINSTEIN, Albert "Relativity, the Special and General Theory" [Crown Publishers, 1961]
- DUMAS, Alexandre "The Son of Monte Cristo" [M.A. Donohue & Co, c1910]
- THOMPSON, Hunter S. "Hell's Angels" [Ballantine, 1980]
- SALINGER, J.D. "Franny and Zooey" [Little, Brown & Co, 1961] 1st Edition/1st
- RICKETTS, C.S. "The Art of the Prado" [L.C. Page, 1907] 1st Edition/1st Print
- DUMAS, Alexandre "The Count of Monte Cristo" [Webster Publishing, 1949]
- MONTGOMERY, L.M. "Emily Climbs" [Frederick A. Stokes, 1925] 1st Edition
- LEARY, Lewis Gaston "The Christmas City" [Sturgis & Walton, 1911] 1st Edition
- REED, Myrtle "Old Rose & Silver" [G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1909] Margaret Armstrong Cover
- TWAIN, Mark "A Tramp Abroad" [Chatto and Windus, 1882]
- ANDERSEN, Hans Christian 3 Volume Set [Heritage Press, 1942] Illustrated Fritz Kriedel
- POE, Edgar Allan "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" [Heritage Press, 1941]
- NUTE, Grace Lee "Lake Superior" [Bobbs Merrill, 1944]
- OLSON, Sigurd F. "Runes of the North" [Alfred A. Knopf, 1964]
- IRVING, Washington "The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon" [J.M. Dent, 1894]
- FOX, John Jr. "Blue-Grass and Rhododendron" [Scribners, 1901] Margaret Armstrong cover
- LEROUX, Gaston "Le Fantôme de l'Opéra" [Editions Pierre Lafitte, 1922]
- JAMES, Thomas "Aesop's Fables" [Collins & Brother, c1848]
- VERNE, Jules "The English at the North Pole" [George Routledge, 1876] 2nd Edition
- BACHE, Richard Meade "American Wonderland" [Claxton, Remsen, & Haffelfinger, 1871]
- ORTON, James "Underground Treasures: How & Where to Find Them" [Worthington, 1872]
- ANDERSEN, Hans Christian "A Picture-Book Without Pictures" [C.S Francis & Co, 1855]
- WOOLF, Virginia "A Room of One's Own" [Harcourt, Brace & Co, 1929] 1st Edition/2nd
- DAVIS, F. Hadland "Myths & Legends of Japan" [Frederick A. Stokes, c1928]
- ELIOT, George "The Mill on the Floss" [Harper & Brothers, 1860] 1st Edition
- PANCOAST, S. "Blue and Red Light: Or Light and Its Rays as Medicine" [J.M Stoddart, 1877]'
- SEABROOK, W.B. "Adventures in Arabia" [Harcourt, Brace & Co, 1927]
- HUGO, Victor "Les Miserables" [Donohue, Henneberry & Co, c1896]
- GRIBBLE, Francis "Lausanne" [Adam and Charles Black, 1909]
- SALINGER, J.D. "Nine Stories" [Little, Brown & Co, 1953] 1st Edition/6th Printing
- PIRSSON, Louis V. "Rocks and Rock Minerals" [John Wiley & Sons, 1909]
- JARVES, James Jackson "A Glimpse at the Art of Japan" [Hurd & Houghton, 1876]
- GLEIG, Rev. G.L. "The Story of The Battle of Waterloo" [Harper & Brothers, 1875]
- DICKENS, Charles "Christmas Stories" [A.L. Burt, c1898]
- VIRGIL "The Aeneid of Virgil, Translated into English" [Houghton Mifflin, 1910]
- BURNS, Robert "The Poetical Works of Robert Burns" [D. Appleton & Co, 1859]
- BURNETT, Frances Hodgson "The Secret Garden" [Grosset & Dunlap, 1911/c1939]
- LEUPP, Francis E. "Walks About Washington" [Little, Brown & Co, 1921]
- BARBER, Julia Langdon "Mediterranean Mosaics" [Privately Printed, 1895] (Signed)
- MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo "The Prince and the Discourses" [Modern Library, 1950]
- BAXTER, Katharine Schuyler "In Beautiful Japan" [The Hobart Company, 1904]
- REITZ, Rosetta "Mushroom Cookery" [Gramercy Publishing, 1945]
- AYSCOUGH, Samuel "An Index to Shakespeare" [William Jones, 1791]
- LONDON, Jack "Burning Daylight" [Macmillan, 1913] 1st/5th
- AUSTEN, Jane "The Novels of Jane Austen" [Athenaeum Society, 1892]
- STOWE, Harriet Beecher "The Mayflower" [Harper & Brothers, 1843] 1st Edition
- IRVING, Washington "The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon" [John Murray, 1821] 5th Edition
- AUSTEN, Jane "The Complete Novels" [Modern Library, c1960]
- DUMAS, Alexandre "The Son of Monte Cristo" [Wm. L. Allison, 1884]
- DUMAS, Alexandre "Monte Cristo's Daughter" [Wm. L. Allison, c1884]
- DUMAS, Alexandre "Edmond Dantes" [Wm. L. Allison, 1884]
- IRVING, Washington "The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon" [Heritage Press, 1939]
- GILLET, Ransom H. "Democracy in the United States" [D. Appleton & co, 1868]
- HUGO, Victor "Les Miserables" [Modern Library, c1940] Green
- HUGO, Victor "Les Miserables" [Heritage Press, 1938]
- BAUDELAIRE, Charles "Flowers of Evil" [Peter Pauper Press, 1958]
- JOHNSON, Matthew "America Pictorially Described" [James B. Knapp, c1893]
- MELVILLE, Herman "Moby Dick" [Heritage Press, 1943]
- DUMAS, Alexandre "The Three Musketeers" [Heritage Press, 1953]
- ADE, George "Fables in Slang" [Duffield & Co, 1899]
- KANT, Immanuel "Critique of Pure Reason" [Modern Library, 1958]
- GOLDSMITH, Oliver "The Vicar of Wakefield" [D. Appleton & Co, 1875] Illustrated Edition
- LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth "The Poetical Works" [David Bogue, 1851] White Calf Leather
- HUGO, Victor "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" [Triangle Books, 1940]
- WINCHELL, Alexander "Walks and Talks in the Geological Field" [Chautauqua Press, 1886]
- DICKENS, Charles "Christmas Books and Reprinted Pieces" [Hurst & Co, c1880]
- BAIN, Alexander "Education as a Science" [D. Appleton & Co, 1886]
- MILNE, A.A. "Once On a Time" [G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1922] 1st Edition
- GREENE, Graham "The Spy's Bedside Book" [Folio Society, 2006]
- FOSS, Sam Walter "Songs of the Average Man" [Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1907] 1st Edition
- KEROUAC, Jack "On the Road" [Viking Press, 1958] 1st Edition/6th
- DULAC, Edmund "Edmund Dulac's Fairy-Book" [Hodder & Stoughton, c1916] 1st Edition
- CRANE, Stephen "The Red Badge of Courage" [D. Appleton & Co, 1896] 1st Edition
- DAVIES, Valentine "Miracle on 34th Street" [Harcourt, Brace & Co, 1947] 1st Edition
- ANDERSEN, Hans Christian "What the Moon Saw" [George Routledge, 1866] 1st Edition
- BURNS, Robert "The Complete Prose Works" [William P. Nimmo, 1871]
- MONTGOMERY, L.M. "Anne of the Island" [LC Page, 1915] 1st Edition/2nd
- MONTGOMERY, L.M. "Anne of Avonlea" [LC Page, 1909] 1st Edition/1st
- MONTGOMERY, L.M. "Chronicles of Avonlea" [LC Page, 1912] 1st Edition/1st
- BLAVATSKY, H.P. "Isis Unveiled" [Theosophical University Press, 1960]
- THOREAU, Henry David "Cape Cod" [Houghton Mifflin, 1914]
- KIPLING, Rudyard "Just So Stories" [Doubleday, c1946]
- GAIGE, Crosby "The Standard Cocktail Guide" [M. Barrows & Co, 1949]
- TOLKIEN, J.R.R. "The Lord of the Rings" 3 Volume Set [Houghton Mifflin, 1965]
- HEINLEIN, Robert "Stranger in a Strange Land" [Putnam, 1961] 1st Edition/2nd
- TOKLAS, Alice B. "The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook" [Harper & Brothers, 1954] 1st Edition
- HERBERT, Frank "Dune" [Chilton, 1982] BCE X44
- VERNE, Jules "The Tour of the World in 80 Days" [James R. Osgood, 1873] 1st Edition
- WHITE, Randy Wayne "Shark River" [Putnam, 2001] 1st Edition (Signed) #2
- WHITE, Randy Wayne "Shark River" [Putnam, 2001] 1st Edition (Signed) #1
- GRISHAM, John "Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer" [Dutton, 2010] 1st Edition (Signed)
- CRAIS, Robert "The Monkey's Raincoat" [Doubleday, 1987] 1st Edition (Signed)
- LEONARD, Elmore "Riding the Rap" [Delacorte, 1995] 1st Edition/1st (Signed)
- LEONARD, Elmore "Riding the Rap" [Delacorte, 1995] 1st Edition/2nd (Signed)
- WHITE, Randy Wayne "North of Havana" [GP Putnam's Sons, 1997] 1st Edition (Signed)
- MINNS, Karen Marie Christa "Virago" [Bluestocking Books, 1997] #1/40
- TRAVERS, P.L. "Mary Poppins" [Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962]
- TWAIN, Mark "The Notorious Jumping Frog & Other Stories" [Heritage Press, 1970]
- WHITTIER, John Greenleaf "Mabel Martin" [James R. Osgood, 1876]
- MILTON, John "The Poetical Works" [Macmillan, 1906]
- "The Arabian Nights" [Oxford University Press, 1939]
- SHAKESPEARE, William "King Richard the Third" [Ginn & Company, 1886]
- AUSTEN, Jane "Mansfield Park" [Richard Bentley, 1856]
- DE LA ROCQUE, A. "Les Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux" [Nodot, c1890]
- CONSTANTIN, M.J. "Atlas des Champignons" [Librairie General de l'Enseignement, c1906]
- CRABTREE, J.H. "British Fungi and How to Identify Them" [The Epworth Press, c1916]
- TOLKIEN, J.R.R. "The Return of the King" [Houghton Mifflin, 1983]
- WELLS, H.G. "The War of the Worlds" [Heritage Press, 1964]
- DRUITT, Robert "The Principles and Practice of Modern Surgery" [Lea & Blanchard, 1842]
- HEMINGWAY, Ernest "A Farewell Arms" [Scribners, 1957]
- HEMINGWAY, Ernest "For Whom the Bell Tolls" [Scribners, 1940/c1970s]
- HEMINGWAY, Ernest "The Sun Also Rises" [Scribners, 1954]
- D'AMERVAL, Eloy "La Grande Diablerie" [Georges Hurtel, 1884]
- ZINCKE, F. Barham "Egypt of the Pharaohs and of the Kedive" [Smith, Elder & Co, 1873]
- HEINLEIN, Robert "Stranger in a Strange Land" [Putnam, 1961] 1st Edition/4th
- DICKENS, Charles "Christmas Books" [Chapman & Hall, 1852] 1st Edition Thus
- LEEMING, Joseph "Magic for Everybody" [Doubleday, Doran & Co, 1934]
- BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett "Sonnets From the Portuguese" [S. Rosen, 1906]
- Mushroom Tea Mug with Lid
- Buzz Bookstore Gift Card
- MILLER, Henry "Tropic of Cancer"/"Tropic of Capricorn" [Grove Press, 1961] (Signed)
- LONDON, Jack "Burning Daylight" [Grosset & Dunlap, 1916]
- LONDON, Jack "Burning Daylight" [Grosset & Dunlap, 1916]
- MILTON, John "The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton" [Gall & Inglis, c1870]
- "The Arabian Nights' Entertainments" Illustrated by Louis Rhead [Harper & Brothers, 1916]
- AUSTEN, Jane "Emma"/"Pride & Prejudice"/"Sense & Sensibility" [Nelson Doubleday, c1970s]
- DICKENS, Charles "Great Expectations" [Sweetwater Press, 1998]
- GOLDSMITH, Oliver "The Vicar of Wakefield" [Marcus Ward & Co, 1876]
- GOLDSMITH, Oliver "Poems, Plays, and Essays" [T.Y. Crowell, c1880s]
- ELIOT, T.S. "Murder in the Cathedral" [Harcourt, Brace & Co, 1935] 1st Edition
- "The Arabian Nights' Entertainments" [Lippincott, 1860]
- DE SAINTE-EXUPERY, Antoine "The Little Prince" [Harcourt, Brace & World, 1943/c1960s]
- "Quaint Corners in Philadelphia" [John Wanamaker, 1922]
- HUGO, Victor "Les Miserables" [John C Winston, c1909]
- BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett "Poems" [George Routledge, 1887]
- DICKENS, Charles "David Copperfield" [Grosset & Dunlap, c1930]
- TRAVERS, P.L. "Mary Poppins Comes Back" [Reynal & Hitchcock, 1935] 1st Edition
- WHITE, Stewart Edward "The Magic Forest" [Macmillan, 1903] 1st Edition
- BUDGE, E.A. Wallis "The Book of the Dead" [University Books, 1977]
- DICKENS, Charles "Christmas Stories" [The Goldsmith Company, c1931]
- MAUGHAM, W. Somerset "The Moon and Sixpence" [George H. Doran, 1919] 1st Edition
- ARTHUR, T.S. "Strong Drink; The Curse and The Cure" [Hubbard Brothers, 1877]
- WOOLF, Virginia "A Room of One's Own" [Hogarth Press, 1929] 1st Edition
- LOVECRAFT, H.P. "Beyond the Wall of Sleep" [Arkham House, 1943] 1st Edition
- ELIOT, George "Middlemarch" [D. Lothrap & Co, 1884]
- MERIVALE, Charles "A General History of Rome"[Longmans, Green & Co, 1875]
- BARLOW, Jane "Irish Idylls" [Dodd, Mead & Co, 1898]
- MOORE, Thomas "The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore" [George Routledge & Sons, c1887]
- FRANCE, Anatole "Thais" [Book League of America, 1929]
- MCDONALD, W. "Songs of Joy and Gladness" [McDonald & Gill, 1885]
- LONDON, Jack "Adventure" [Macmillan, 1911] 1st Edition
- LONDON, Jack "Before Adam"/"The Game" [Macmillan, 1924]
- HUXLEY, Aldous "Antic Hay" [Modern Library, 1923]
- HUXLEY, Aldous "Point Counter Point" [Modern Library, 1928]
- PROUST, Marcel "The Sweet Cheat Gone" [Modern Library, 1930]
- PROUST, Marcel "Cities of the Plain" [Modern Library, 1927]
- PROUST, Marcel "The Guermantes Way" [Modern Library, 1952]
- PROUST, Marcel "The Captive" [Modern Library, 1929]
- ANDERSEN, Hans Christian "Fairy Tales" [Heritage Press, 1970]
- JOYCE, James "Ulysses" [Random House, 1946]
- BUDGE, E.A. Wallis "Egyptian Religion" [Bell, 1959]
- FERGUSON, Adam "An Essay on the History of Civil Society" [T. Cadell, 1793]
- DICKENS, Charles "Nicholas Nickleby" [Dewolfe Fiske & Co, c1880s]
- BRYANT, William Cullen "Poems" [John W. Lovell, c1880]
- MCMURTRIE, Douglas C. "The Kentucky Constitution of 1792 (Facsimile)" [Privately Printed, 1942]
- FLEMING, Ian "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" [Scholastic, 1969]
- LANG, Andrew "The Blue Fairy Book" [Dover, 1965]
- EMERSON, Ralph Waldo "Essays" [A.L. Burt Company, c1902]
- KIPLING, Rudyard "Just So Stories" [Weathervane Books, 1978]
- YOUNG, E.S. "The Bible Geography" [Bible Student Company, 1902]
- DICKEY, James "Deliverance" [Houghton Mifflin, 1970]
- HOLMES, Oliver Wendell "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table" [Henry Altemus, 1901]
- LESLAU, Charlotte and Wolf "African Folk Tales" [Peter Pauper Press, 1963]
- LAMB, Charles and Mary "Tales from Shakespeare" [Rand, Mcnally & Co, c1905]
- DUMAS, Alexandre "The Three Musketeers" [A.L. Burt Company, c1902]
- DE QUINCY, Sir Thomas "Confessions of an English Opium Eater" [Lovell, Coryell & Co, c1898]
- DICKENS, Charles "Christmas Stories" [Grosset & Dunlap, c1940]
- BUCKLAND, Frank "Notes and Jottings from Animal Life" [Frederick Warne, 1890]
- ALIGHIERI, Dante "The Divine Comedy" [A.L. Burt, 1897]
- COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor "Poems of Coleridge" Illustrated by Charles Pears [Caxton Publishing, c1906]
- BYRON, Lord "Poems of Byron" Illustrated by A.S. Forrest [Caxton Publishing, c1906]
- HAY, John "Castilian Days" [Houghton Mifflin, 1906]
- LONDON, Jack "Jerry of the Islands" [Macmillan, 1917] 1st Edition
- LEM, Stanislaw "Return From the Stars" [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980] 1st Edition
- ALIGHIERI, Dante "La Divine Comedie" [Garnier Freres, 1870]
- LONDON, Jack "The Faith of Men" [M.A. Donohue, 1906]
- HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel "The Scarlet Letter" [JM Dent, 1938]
- "Swinton's Complete Course in Geography" [Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co, 1878] Atlas
- "Harper's School Geography" [Harper & Brothers, 1878] Atlas
- LAURENT, Emile and NAGOUR, Paul "Magica Sexualis" [Falstaff Press, 1934]
- PONGERVILLE, M. de "Les Femmes de Shakespeare" [Mme Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1862]
- ABBOTT, Jacob "History of Julius Caesar" [Harper & Brothers, 1864]
- GRISHAM, John "Skipping Christmas" [Doubleday, 2001] 1st Edition
- STEVENSON, Robert Louis "Treasure Island" [Barnes & Noble, 2016]
- ALIGHIERI, Dante "La Divinia Commedia" [G. Barbera, 1879]
- SHAKESPEARE, William "King Richard II" [John Bell, 1786]
- SHAKESPEARE, William "Henry IV, Part 2" [John Bell, 1785]
- SHAKESPEARE, William "Henry IV, Part 1" [John Bell, 1785]
- ALIGHIERI, Dante "The Divine Comedy" [AL Burt, c1900]
- DOYLE, Arthur Conan "The Complete Sherlock Holmes" [Easton Press, 1995]
- MALLORY, Sir Thomas "La Morte d'Arthur" [Easton Press, 1983] - 2 Volume Set
- MELVILLE, Herman "Moby Dick" [Easton Press, 1977]
- CLARKE, Arthur C. "2001: A Space Odyssey" [Easton Press, 1968]
- HEMINGWAY, Ernest "For Whom the Bell Tolls" [Scribners, 1940] Early Printing
- IRVING, Washington "The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon" [John Murray, 1824]
- ADAMS, Douglas "Dirk Gently's Detective Agency" [Heinemann, 1987] 1st Edition
- HEMINGWAY, Ernest "The Old Man and the Sea" [Scribners, 1952/c1977]
- MILTON, John "The Complete Poetical Works" [Houghton Mifflin, 1899]
- DEFOE, Daniel "Robinson Crusoe" [Worthington, c1882]
- LONDON, Jack "The Call of the Wild" [Grosset & Dunlap, 1931]
- NABOKOV, Vladimir "Lolita" [G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1955] 1st Edition/4th Printing
- VON GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang "Faust, A Tragedy" [Houghton Mifflin, 1898]
- COWPER, William "The Poetical Works of William Cowper" [Thomas Crowell, c1881]
- TAINE, Hippolite Adolphe "A Tour Through the Pyrenees" [Henry Holt, 1874]
- KIPLING, Rudyard "The Jungle Book"/"The Second Jungle Book" [Doubleday, 1924/25]
- KIPLING, Rudyard "The Jungle Books" [Doubleday, 1948]
- ROCHEFOUCAULD "Reflexions ou Sentences et Maximes Morales" [Alphonse Lemerre, 1870]
- GRAFTON, Sue "D is for Deadbeat" [Henry Holt, 1987] (Signed)
- POLLARD, Eliza F. "The Knights of Liberty" [Thomas Nelson, c1908]
- FROST, Robert "A Masque of Mercy" [Henry Holt, 1947] 1st Edition
- THOMPSON, Flora "Lark Rise" [Oxford University Press, 1943] 1st Edition/3rd Printing
- "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [Illustrated Editions Company, c1935]
- GASQUET, Abbot "The Greater Abbeys of England" [Dodd, Mead & Co, 1912]
- CORRIE, Joan "ABC of Jung's Philosophy" [Frank-Maurice, c1927]
- ROSTAND, Edmond "Cyrano de Bergerac" [Henry Holt, 1899]
- GASKELL, E.C. "The Life of Charlotte Bronte" [John Grant, 1905]
- DICKENS, Charles "Martin Chuzzlewit" [Porter & Coates, c1880s]
- RODWELL, J.M. (Translator) "The Koran" [J.M. Dent, 1953]
- ALIGHIERI, Dante "Purgatory" Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [Houghton, Mifflin & Co, 1895]
- HENTY, G.A. - 5 Volumes of Historical Fiction [1900-1910ish]
- COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor "The Poetical Works of Coleridge" [Gall & Inglis, c1870s]
- VAN DYKE, Henry "The Ruling Passion" [Scribners, 1901]
- VAN DYKE, Henry "Fisherman's Luck" [Scribners, 1915]
- POE, Edgar Allan "The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe" [The Werner Company, 1908]
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- CERVANTES, Miguel "Don Quixote de la Mancha" [Modern Library, 1950]
- LEWIS, C.S. "The Chronicles of Narnia" 7 Volumes [Collier, 1970-80]
- STEVENSON, Robert Louis "Treasure Island" [Saalfield Publishing Co, 1924]
- KIPLING, Rudyard "The Jungle Book" [Century Co, 1920]
- DE SAINT-EXUPERY, Antoine "Le Petit Prince" [Houghton Mifflin, 1970]
- DOSTOEVSKY, Fyodor "Crime and Punishment" [Random House, 1956]
- TURNER, Charles C. "The Romance of Aeronautics" [Seeley, Service & Co, 1912]
- THOMAS, H.H. "Rock Gardening for Amateurs" [Cassell, 1914] VG
- DU MAURIER, Daphne "Rebecca" [Doubleday & Co, 1938]
- ELLIS, Edward S. "The Land of Wonders" [The Mershon Company, 1899]
- HOLMES, Oliver Wendell "Poems" [Hurst & Co, c1880s]
- PYNCHON, Thomas "Gravity's Rainbow" [Viking, 1973] 4th Printing
- L'ENGLE, Madeleine "A Wrinkle in Time" [Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970]
- MELVILLE, Herman "Moby Dick" [Oxford University Press, 1947]
- ADAMS, Douglas "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" [Harmony, 1979]
- THOMPSON, Hunter S. "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" [Popular Library, 1971]
- MILNE, A.A. 4 Volume "Pooh's Library" Set [E.P. Dutton & Co, 1961]
- DUMAS, Alexandre "Marguerite de Valois" [Thomas Y. Crowell, 1900]
- SINGLETON, Esther "Turrets, Towers and Temples" [Dodd, Mead & Co, 1898]
- TOLKIEN, J.R.R. "The Hobbit" [Ballantine Books, 1965] 1st American Paperback Edition
- VERNE, Jules "Around the World in Eighty Days" [Porter & Coates, c1873]
- Y'BLOOD, William T. "Red Sun Setting" [Naval Institute Press, 1981]
- BRONTE, Emily "Wuthering Heights" [J.M. Dent, 1966]
- DUMAS, Alexandre "The Count of Monte Cristo" [American Publishing Corp, c1896]
- BLOCH, Chayim "The Golem" [Behrman's Jewish Book House, 1925]
- NAOMI, Aunt "Jewish Fairy Tales & Legends" [Bloch Publishing, 1946]
- STOKER, Bram "Dracula" [Garden City Publishing, 1928]
- GIBBON, Edward "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" [Heritage Press, 1946]
- STOKER, Bram "Dracula" [Heritage Press, 1965] Illustrated by Felix Hoffmann
- VERNE, Jules "From the Earth to the Moon/Around the Moon" [Heritage Press, 1970]
- "Because I Love You: Love Poems" [Arthur L. Humphreys, 1911] Fine Binding
- PALLADINI, David "Aquarian Tarot" [Morgan Press, 1970]
- "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" [1906]
- POE, Edgar Allan "Poems" [W.J. Widdleton, c1860]
- THORNBURY, Walter "Haunted London" [Chatto & Windus, 1880]
- CROWQUILL, Alfred "Tales of Magic and Meaning" [Grant & Griffith, 1856]
- DHONAU, Charles O. "Anatomy & Histology for Embalmers" [The Embalming Book Co, 1935]
- BEADLE, J.H. "Polygamy: or, The Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism" [Barnes & Ballou, 1882]
- WHITE, T.H. "The Sword in the the Stone" [G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1939]
- MILTON, John "Paradise Lost" [Franklin Library, 1979] Gustave Dore
- GRIMM, Brothers "Grimm's Fairy Tales" [John C. Winston, 1925] Colored Plates
- GRAHAME, Kenneth "The Wind in the Willows" [Scribners, 1929]
- CHILD, Julia "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" [Alfred A. Knopf, 1968/1970]
- LEVI, Eliphas "The Mysteries of Magic" [University Books, 1974]
- NIN, Anais "Delta of Venus"/"Little Birds" [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977/1979]
- DICKENS, Charles "Oliver Twist" [Little, Brown & Co, c1900]
- DICKENS, Charles "A Tale of Two Cities" [Little, Brown & Co, c1900]
- ALCOTT, Louisa May "Rose in Bloom" [Little, Brown & Co, 1902]
- DICKENS, Charles "Great Expectations" [Houghton Mifflin, 1894]
- AURELIUS, Marcus "Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius" [Hurst & Co, c1900]
- HUGO, Victor "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" [A.L. Burt, c1900]
- FRERE, Thomas "Hoyle's Games" [DeWolfe, Fiske & Co, 1875]
- MILNE, A.A. 4 Volume "Pooh's Library" Set [E.P. Dutton & Co, 1961]
- SHELLEY, Mary W. "Frankenstein" [De Luxe Editions, 1932] Illustrated by Nino Carbe
- BULLIVANT, Cecil H. "Every Boy's Book of Hobbies" [Dodge Publishing, 1912]
- BRONTE, Emily "Wuthering Heights" [The Century Co, 1907]
- SPENSER, Edmund "The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser" [Thomas Y. Crowell, c1889]
- "Book of Mormon"/"Doctrine & Covenants"/"Pearl of Great Price" [Deseret, 1962]
- "The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and the New Testaments" [American Bible Society, 1893]
- JAMES, Henry "Ghostly Tales" [Franklin Library, 1989] Illustrated
- REED, Myrtle "Master of the Vineyard" [GP Putnam's Sons, 1911] Margaret Armstrong
- BURGESS, Thornton "The Burgess Flower Book for Children" [Little, Brown & Co, 1943]
- LANG, Andrew "Fairy Books" 8 Volume Set [Dover, 1965-67]
- STOKER, Bram "Dracula" [Sterling, 1996] Illustrated by Edward Gorey
- BRYANT, Edwin "Rocky Mountain Adventures" [Hurst & Co, 1885]
- RACINE, Jean "Theatre Complet" [Laplace, Sanchez et Cie, 1877] Hand Colored Illustrations
- HILL, George Canning "Daniel Boone, The Pioneer of Kentucky" [Edward Canby, 1859]
- BURTON, Richard "The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night" [Heritage Press, 1962]
- HUGO, Victor "Les Miserables" [Modern Library, c1940] Blue-Green
- DOSTOYEVSKY, Fyodor "The Brothers Karamazov" [Random House, 1933] Signed by Illustrator
- LEE, Harper "To Kill a Mockingbird" [Lippincott, 1960]
- CRANE, Stephen "The Red Badge of Courage" [Modern Library, c1945]
- DICKENS, Charles "Christmas Books/Christmas Stories" [Dana Estes, c1898] Illustrated
- FAULKNER, William "The Sound and the Fury/As I Lay Dying" [Modern Library, 1946]
- MEREDITH, Owen "Lucile" [Thomas Y. Crowell, c1880] Illustrated
- HARRIS, Joel Chandler "Uncle Remus and His Friends" [Houghton Mifflin, 1892] 1st Edition
- BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett "Poetical Works" [Dodd, Mead & Co, 1884]
- PROCTOR, Adelaide "The Poems of Adelaide Proctor" [Thomas Y. Crowell, c1880]
- IRVING, Washington "Rip Van Winkle" [Grosset & Dunlap, c1920s]
- ADAMS, Douglas "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" [Harmony, 1980] 1st Edition
- CARROLL, Lewis "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" [Hurst & Co, c1900]
- SALINGER, J.D. "Franny and Zooey" [Little, Brown & Co, 1961] 1st Edition/1st
- TOLKIEN, J.R.R. "Farmer Giles of Ham" [George Allen & Unwin, 1965] 1st Edition/4th
- TOLKIEN, J.R.R. "The Hobbit" [Houghton Mifflin, 1966]
- DICK, Philip K. "The Man in the High Castle" [G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1962]
- BRADBURY, Ray "Fahrenheit 451" [Simon and Schuster, 1967]
- "Guide Michelin Edition 1900" [Michelin, 2000]
- STEVENSON, Robert Louis "Treasure Island" [American Book Company, 1913]
- MAUBLANC, A. "Les Champignons de France" [Paul Lechevalier, 1939/1952]
- KRIEGER, Louis C.C. "The Mushroom Handbook" [Macmillan, 1936]
- BAUDELAIRE, Charles "Les Fleurs du Mal" [Garnier Freres, 1959]
- AUSTEN, Jane "Pride and Prejudice" [Charles Scribner's Sons, 1918]
- TRAVERS, P.L. "Mary Poppins" 1st Three Books [Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962-3]
- POE, Edgar Allan "Weird Tales" [Henry Altemus, 1898]
- DE SADE, Marquis "Selected Writings of (Marquis) de Sade" [British Book Centre, 1956]
- AUSTEN, Jane "Pride and Prejudice" [J.M. Dent & Sons, 1944]
- CARROLL, Lewis "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" [Henry Altemus, c1899]
- WHITMAN, Walt "Leaves of Grass" [Modern Library, c1960]
- AESOP "Aesop's Fables" [Donohue, Henneberry, & Co, c1890]
- INGELOW, Jean "The Poetical Works of Jean Ingelow" [Hurst & Co, c1880s]
- ALIGHIERI, Dante "The Divine Comedy" Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [George Routledge, c1906]
- CARROLL, Lewis "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" [William Heinemann, 1947] Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
- LONDON, Jack "Before Adam" [Macmillan, 1917] 1st Edition
- LONDON, Jack "Love of Life" [Review of Reviews, 1915]
- VEBLEN, Thorstein "The Theory of the Leisure Class" [Modern Library, 1934]
- PROUST, Marcel "Within a Budding Grove" [Modern Library, 1924]
- LONDON, Jack "Before Adam" [Review of Reviews, 1915]
- SMITH, Adam "An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" [Modern Library, 1937]
- CARROLL, Lewis "Alice in Wonderland" [Random House, 1965]
- DENNING, Melita and PHILLIPS, Osborne "The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection" [Llewellyn, 1995]
- CALL, Frank Oliver "The Spell of French Canada" [L.C. Page & Co, 1926]
- MEREDITH, Owen "Lucile" [Thomas Y. Crowell, c1880]
- VERNE, Jules "Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon" [A.L. Burt Company, c1902]
- VERNE, Jules "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" [A.L. Burt Company, c1902]
- LONDON, Jack "Michael, Brother of Jerry" [Grosset & Dunlap, 1917]
- LOVECRAFT, H.P. "The Dunwich Horror and Others" [Arkham House, 1984]
- DU MAURIER, Daphne "Rebecca" [Franklin Library, 1988]
- CULPEPPER, Nicholas "The English Physician" [Samuel W. Mortimer, 1826] - Herbal Medicine
- DICKINSON, Emily "Love Poems" [Peter Pauper Press, c1960]
- CHAUCER, Geoffrey "The Canterbury Tales" [Franklin Library, 1981]
- ALIGHIERI, Dante "The Divine Comedy" [Heritage Press, 1944] Illustrated by William Blake
- SWIFT, Jonathan "Gulliver's Travels" [Macmillan, 1931] Illustrated by Charles Brock
- Genuine Leather "Holy Bible King James Version" [Thomas Nelson, 1972]
- KIPLING, Rudyard "The Jungle Book" [Scribners, 1897]
- STEVENSON, Robert Louis "Treasure Island" [Grosset & Dunlap, c1934]
- FREUD, Sigmund "The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud" [Modern Library, 1938]
- ANDERSEN, Hans Christian "Fairy Tales" [Grosset & Dunlap, 1945]
- "East O' The Sun and West O' The Moon" [The Saafield Publishing Company, 1924]
- CHAPMAN, George "Homer's Iliad" [George Routledge & Sons, 1884]
- COLERDIGE, Samuel Taylor "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" [Longman's, Green & Co, 1909]
- HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel “The Scarlet Letter” [Houghton Mifflin, 1888]
- HEADLEY, J.T. "The Sacred Mountains" [Baker & Scribner, 1847]
- THOMAS, H.H. "Rock Gardening for Amateurs" [Cassell, 1914]
- ALBERTUS, Frater "Alchemist's Handbook" [Weiser Books, 1974]
- MELVILLE, Herman "Moby Dick" [Saalfield Publishing, 1931]
- ADAMS, Douglas "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" [Harmony Books, 1980]
- ADAMS, Douglas "Life, The Universe, and Everything" [Harmony Books, 1982]
- STEVENSON, Robert Louis "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" [Grosset & Dunlap, c1941]
- LEWIS, C.S. "The Magician's Nephew" [Macmillan, 1955]
- BRONTE, Charlotte "Jane Eyre" [Modern Library, 1950]
- BRONTE, Emily "Wuthering Heights" [Modern Library, 1950]
- "The Thousand and One Nights or The Arabian Nights Entertainments" [Hurst & Co, c1885]
- AUSTEN, Jane "Lady Susan" [Little, Brown & Co, 1892]
- HALL, A.W. "Icelandic Fairy Tales" [A.L. Burt, c1897]
- WHARTON, Edith "The Age of Innocence" [Modern Library, 1920]
- DOSTOYEVSKY, Fyodor "The Possessed" [Modern Library, 1936]
- DICKENS, Charles "A Christmas Carol" [Trident Press, 2000]
- POE, Edgar Allan "The Works of Edgar Allan Poe" in Four Volumes [W.J. Widdleton, 1876]
- "History of Freemasonry and Concordant Orders" [The Fraternity Publishing Company, 1904]
- "Warne's Picture Natural History: Fish, Insects & Reptiles" [Frederick Warne & Co, c1880s]
- PRICE, Adrin C. & LESZCZYC, Trishna “The Dracula Cookbook of Blood” [Mugwort Soup Publications, 1993]
- CHRISTIE, Agatha "Murder on the Orient Express" [ImPress Mystery, 1999]
- ASIMOV, Isaac “Fantastic Voyage” [Houghton Mifflin, 1966]
- POPE, Alexander "The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer" [Silas Andrus and Son, 1848]
- LONDON, Jack “The Call of the Wild” [The Daily Worker, c1930s]
- HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel "A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys" [Houghton Mifflin, 1884]
- ADAMS, Douglas "So Long & Thanks For All The Fish" [Harmony, 1985] 1st Edition
- COOPER, James Fenimore “The Prairie” [AL Burt, c1900]
- MOORE, Thomas “The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore” [William P. Nimmo, c1870]
- LAWRENCE, D.H. "Aaron's Rod" [Heinemann, 1961]
In 2012, I found myself in significant credit card debt. I met the love of my life and needed to find a way to get rid of that debt in order to be able to afford an engagement ring. So I purchase over 2,000 books off of Craigslist, carried them to my 14th floor studio apartment via shopping cart, and began to learn the business of selling books. Quite quickly, I paid of the debt, bought the ring, and "got the girl" so to speak.
Fast forward to 2024, I took the plunge and turned Buzz Bookstore from a side business to a full time bookstore. Today, I am a member of the Independent Online Booksellers Association (IOBA) and offer thousands of rare books for sale online and at book fairs. I specialize in early 20th century travel/exploration books, classic literature, vintage fairy tales, occult titles, early science fiction/horror, and much more. If you do not find something tempting, please feel free to visit the Contact tab and let me know what I can get for you.
All books are hand curated, listed, and packed by me alone. I aim to ship within 24 hours whenever possible but will note in the Announcement bar at the top of all pages if I am temporarily away or there are any other unexpected delays.